• Hello,

    I was a bit confused by a section in the article where it's stated that,

    "Note that when dealing with negative numbers, CEILING will continue to go away from zero. E.g. CEILING(-2.3) will return -3."

    Looking at the results it doesn't seem to be the case:

    OriginalValue UsingCeiling

    --------------- --------------

    3.230 4

    3.760 4

    3.150 4

    3.500 4

    -2.340 -2

    -2.890 -2

    -2.250 -2

    -2.500 -2

    -2.200 -2

    It seems that when dealing with negative numbers, CEILING will go towards zero. Is this a typo or am I understanding it incorrectly? (Sorry for the ugly formatting)