• I have a similar kind of issue with my Execution Plan showing as Clustered Index Update cost as 98%

    Whereas in my Update query I am not even updating the Clustered Index/Primary key column.

    I am just using the primary key column in the where clause for equating with the parameter value.

    My update script is:


    update [MM_TItemCurrentStock] set

    [OpeningStock] = 0,

    [InwardStock] = 0,

    [OutwardStock] = 0,

    [ClosingStock] = 0,

    [OpeningRate] = 0,

    [OpeningValue] = 0,

    [InwardRate] = 0,

    [InwardValue] = 0,

    [OutwardRate] = 0,

    [OutwardValue] = 0,

    [ClosingRate] = 0,

    [ClosingValue]= 0,

    [DirectSaleStock]= 0,

    [DirectSaleRate]= 0,

    [DirectSaleValue]= 0,

    [TransferStock]= 0,

    [TransferRate]= 0,

    [TransferValue]= 0

    where (OrganizationUnitID = @LoginOrganizationUnitID)


    Table MM_TItemCurrentStock has primary key constraint on columns: ItemID and OrganizationUnitID

    Can anybody please help me to resolve this higher Clustered Index Update Cost issue. Thanks in advance!!