• Hi Phill, I have thought about the dark side of the article myself...

    But, I also think that if Administration is done properly, which means Domain admins and SQL Admins are different entities that do not share domain passwords, (and of course passwords are changed regularly as part of the business operational tasks, which is what most businesses do at the present time), there would be little to worry about.

    I think if anyone has a domain admin password and they are up to no good, they would really not need the use of scripts or SQL Server to cause harm. They would simply go for the jewels of the business directly.

    Having a separation between network admins, and SQL admins allows for much of those vb script virus issues to disappear, even if the virus writer (god forbid) was working within the business network already.

    I personally don't have network admin rights, I use WMI access only on those machines I personally have rights to, which is proper.

     Thanks for bringing this up Phill, I hope this helps people lock down their system properly if they were considering this type of tool to help them win back some of their personal time.

    Anthony Loera