• Why not just use Perl, DBI and DBD :: ODBC? I hate DTS.

    use strict;

    #use DBI;

    #use DBI qw(:sql_types);

    use Compress::Zlib;

    open FH, "<file.gz";

    binmode FH;

    { local $/ = undef; my $filetext = <FH>}

    $filetext = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip( $filetext );

    # now either parse your file and insert records

    # using a statement handle (see perldoc DBI)

    # or just write the file out and call bcp

    open FH, ">file.txt";

    print FH $filetext;

    close FH;

    print `bcp ...`;

    Seriously, I'm sure you can get it to work in DTS. I bet there are some activeX controls for ZIP you could embed into a DTS script. In any case, a web search might find a solution, such as this use of the WScript.Shell object:
