Home Forums SQL Server 2008 Working with Oracle ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected FILE got BINARY when Initializing SQL 2k8R2 Publication to Oracle 12c Sub RE: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected FILE got BINARY when Initializing SQL 2k8R2 Publication to Oracle 12c Sub

  • I contacted Microsoft support. They agree that it does have to do with Oracle12c upgrade and provided workaround for the issue.

    FROM DAC Connection:

    Workaround to add oracle publisher support w/o new datatype support:

    exec sys.sp_MSrepl_ORAdatatypes 'Oracle', '12'

    exec sys.sp_MSrepl_ORA_MSSQL_datatypemappings @source_dbms = N'ORACLE', @source_version = '12', @destination_dbms = N'MSSQLServer'

    Warkaround to add oracle subscriber support w/o new datatype support:

    exec sys.sp_MSrepl_ORAdatatypes 'Oracle', '12'

    exec sys.sp_MSrepl_MSSQL_ORA_datatypemappings @source_dbms = N'MSSQLSERVER', @destination_dbms = N'ORACLE', @destination_version = '12'


    This worked for me and hopefully will help somebody else too!


