• Here's my stab at it.


    /* Created by free online sql formatter: http://www.wangz.net/gsqlparser/sqlpp/sqlformat.htm */

    /*This sets up a quick test table*/

    IF object_id('DJmailDetails_T') > 0

      DROP TABLE djmaildetails_t

    CREATE TABLE djmaildetails_t (

      id           INT  NOT NULL  IDENTITY( 1  , 1  ),

      firstname    VARCHAR(30)  NOT NULL,

      lastname     VARCHAR(30)  NOT NULL,

      emailaddress VARCHAR(100)  NOT NULL,

      sendmail     BIT  NOT NULL  DEFAULT (0) )

    INSERT INTO djmaildetails_t





    VALUES     ('dave',




    INSERT INTO djmaildetails_t





    VALUES     ('fred',




    INSERT INTO djmaildetails_t





    VALUES     ('joe',




    INSERT INTO djmaildetails_t





    VALUES     ('mike',




    /*This selects from above table*/

    DECLARE  @recipients VARCHAR(4000)

    SELECT @recipients = Coalesce(@recipients + ';','') + emailaddress

    FROM   djmaildetails_t

    WHERE  sendmail = 1

    PRINT @recipients -- show what we got

    PRINT '' -- a blank line


    /*The next two variables are normally set in theerror handling of each 'bit' of DML in your SP/Script*/

    DECLARE  @Error_status INT

    DECLARE  @Error_message VARCHAR(128)

    SET @Error_status = -1

    SET @Error_message = 'failure updating something!' --something apposite

                         /*This should be in the error handler of the script or SP*/


    DECLARE  @sql VARCHAR(8000)

    DECLARE  @mailMessage VARCHAR(128)

    DECLARE  @mailSubject VARCHAR(128)

    DECLARE  @Procedure_Name SYSNAME -- Holds the name of the currently executing procedure

    SET @Procedure_Name = Object_name(@@PROCID) -- Set the procedure name in the variable

    /*the next two lines would not be called above normally, so needs to be commented out here.

    declare @recipients varchar(4000)

    Select @recipients = COALESCE(@recipients+';' , '') + emailAddress from DJmailDetails_T where sendMail = 1


    /*This sends the message*/

    SET @mailMessage = 'Table update failure' --something apposite

    SET @mailSubject = 'Error in ' + Isnull(@Procedure_Name,'Ad-hoc Query')

    SET @sql = 'exec master.dbo.xp_sendmail ''' + @recipients + ''',@message = ''' + @mailMessage + 

    ''',@query = ''select ''''' + @error_message + ''''' as ErrorMessage,' + Isnull(CAST@Error_status AS VARCHAR),' ') + ' as ErrorNumber'',@subject = ''' + @mailSubject + 

    ''',@dbuse = ''master'',@attach_results = false,@no_output = true,@width = 8000'

    PRINT (@sql)  --change this from print to an exec to 'really' do it.

    --exec (@sql) --or uncomment this line


    Script to drop the table when finished testing

    if object_id('DJmailDetails_T') > 0

    drop table DJmailDetails_T


    I liked this so much I posted it on my site at http://glossopian.co.uk

    Dave J

    "I don't know what I don't know."