• If I can offer an improvement

    Function Restart-ServicesAndDependents {




    $service = get-service -computer $Server $ServiceName

    Restart-Service -InputObject $service -Force -Confirm:$False -verbose

    # Get Dependent services - stop each of those

    $Dependents = $service.DependentServices

    ForEach ( $depService in $Dependents ) {

    $DepServiceName = $depService.Name

    $StartMode = (Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -filter "Name='${DepServiceName}'").StartMode

    if ( $StartMode -ne "Auto" ) {



    if ( $depService.Status -ne "Running" ) {

    Start-Service -InputObject $depService -Confirm:$False -verbose




    This grabs the dependent services, and starts those up as well. This is handy if you are hitting a service which has dependencies - in which case, Restart-Service alone will not start those back up, but it will stop them. So you have e.g. Dhcp which has WinHttpAutoProxySvc as a dependent. This will ensure WinHttpAutoProxySvc is started up after.