• I'm sysadmin when running this and this is the script




    Author: Jim Breffni.

    This script displays the errorlog entries for all selected servers for the last n days.

    The script can take a few minutes to run if the error logs are large and you are looking back over several days.


    Module invokesqlquery needs to be installed.

    1. Invokesqlquery can be downloaded from http://powershell4sql.codeplex.com/



    import-module invokesqlquery

    $today = (get-date).toString()

    $all = @()

    $lookback = ((get-date).adddays(-1)).ToString() # look back n days from current time

    # Load up the list of servers to check

    # Use this code if you can get your list of servers from a sql database

    $servers = invoke-sqlquery -query @'

    select distinct MYCOLUMN from dbo.MYTABLE

    order by MYCOLUMN

    '@ -server MY SERVER -database MYDB

    # remove the comment from the code below if you want to supply the list of servers as an array

    #$servers = 'sql01', 'sql02' | select-object @{Name = 'serverName'; Expression = {$_}}

    foreach ($server in $servers) {

    "$((get-date).toString()) - Checking SQL Error Logs on $($server.servername)..."

    try {

    $all += invoke-sqlquery -query "EXEC master..xp_readerrorlog 0, 1, null, null, '$lookback', '$today' " -server $server.servername | select-object @{Name="Server"; Expression={$server.servername}}, LogDate, ProcessInfo, Text | `

    where-object {$_.Text -match 'error|fail|warn|kill|dead|cannot|could|stop|terminate|bypass|roll|truncate|upgrade|victim|recover'} | `

    where-object {$_.Text -notmatch 'setting database option recovery to'}


    catch {"Unable to read SQL error log from server $server"}

    } # foreach ($server in $servers) {

    $all | out-gridview -title ("$($all.Count) errors in SQL Server Error Logs. From $lookback to $today")

    $all = @()

    foreach ($server in $servers) {

    "$((get-date).toString()) - Checking Agent Error Logs on $($server.servername)..."

    try {

    $all += invoke-sqlquery -query "EXEC master..xp_readerrorlog 0, 2, null, null, '$lookback', '$today' " -server $server.servername | select-object @{Name="Server"; Expression={$server.servername}}, LogDate, ProcessInfo, Text | `

    where-object {[datetime]$_.LogDate -ge $lookback}


    catch {"Unable to read SQL Agent error log from server $server"}

    } # foreach ($server in $servers) {

    $all | out-gridview -title ("$($all.Count) errors in SQL Agent Error Logs. From $lookback to $today")

    This is the result:

    02-09-2014 08:14:52 - Checking SQL Error Logs on ...

    Unable to read SQL error log from server @{instancename=SERVERNAME1\INSTANCE1 }

    02-09-2014 08:15:07 - Checking SQL Error Logs on ...

    Unable to read SQL error log from server @{instancename=SERVERNAME1\INSTANCE2 }

    02-09-2014 08:15:07 - Checking SQL Error Logs on ...

    Unable to read SQL error log from server @{instancename=SERVERNAME2\INSTANCE3 }

    02-09-2014 08:15:07 - Checking Agent Error Logs on ...

    Unable to read SQL Agent error log from server @{instancename=SERVERNAME1\INSTANCE1 }

    02-09-2014 08:15:07 - Checking Agent Error Logs on ...

    Unable to read SQL Agent error log from server @{instancename=SERVERNAME1\INSTANCE2 }

    02-09-2014 08:15:07 - Checking Agent Error Logs on ...

    Unable to read SQL Agent error log from server @{instancename=SERVERNAME2\INSTANCE3 }

    I ran the script from ISE both as administrator and my account (which is sysadmin)

    What permissions do I need other than that?

    Thanks for your support