Home Forums SQL Server 2005 Administering creating How do i create Temp table with declarations<!-- 864 --> RE: creating How do i create Temp table with declarations<!-- 864 -->

  • As Sean said, there are better ways to do it than a cursor. Here's an option using XML PATH which is explained in the following article: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/comma+separated+list/71700/

    To solve your problem, have you considered using a global temp table (##Table)?

    DECLARE @firstsql VARCHAR(max)

    SET @firstsql = 'SELECT Site, [Family ID], [First Name], [Last Name], [Survey Status], [Date Started], [Date Completed], '

    + (SELECT

    ', [' + cf.sourceSystemFieldID + '] AS ' + ISNULL(NULLIF( tf.preferredFieldName, 'NULL'), 'EDIT')

    FROM [itmidw].[tblCrfTranslationField] tf

    JOIN itmidw.tblCrfFields cf ON tf.fieldID = cf.fieldID

    WHERE crfVersionName = '6MonthBaby: v1'

    FOR XML PATH('')) --Change HERE

    + ' INTO ##AGlobalTempTable'

    + ' FROM etl.SurveyBaby6_Stage'

    PRINT @firstsql

    EXEC (@firstSQL)

    Luis C.
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