• Evil Kraig F (8/15/2014)

    Brandie Tarvin (8/15/2014)

    It's Wednesday. 3 people walk up to your cube. One is from the QA team, one is from the reporting team, and one is a business user. The QA person says she needs you to restore a database down to the QA environment immediately so she can finish testing Management's High Priority Release by the end of the week. The reporting team person says the financial reports that worked yesterday are failing this morning. The business user says the new feature released last night "doesn't work."

    EDIT: Is it sad that I'm basing these questions on stuff that actually happens to me?

    No, welcome to my world(s). Is it bad that my first question is to the reporting team guy: "Which reports, and what's their SLA's?" while asking the QA person to email me the ticket number while getting the automated restore script ready? The poor business user probably feels like he's ignored... but that's only because I haven't shipped him to the app guys yet to get me an error message I can actually use.

    This is the real world and exactly the kind of stuff that separates the men from the boys. Add a twist of billing, reconciliation, MIS, system upgrade gone wrong, critical system failures, compliance issues and end of financial year turmoil and sadly enough, we are close to a norm.
