• I guess job titles can be useful if they reflect roughly what you do and what level you work at, but in my experience most job titles usually reflect at most one of those two things. In the 38 years when I worked regularly I held at least 32 different job titles, most of which I can remember. But what does for example does "Chief Architect and Head of Program Management for Data Communications and Interworking" (for example) mean? What is a "Principal Technical Officer"? What does "Chief Designer (Applications Division)" do? The level in the hierarch implied by "Section Leader" is sort of clear, sort of unclear, but what technical area is covered and to what degree it is a technical role are not signalled at all by the job title.

    When I say I can remember most of the job titles, it means I've forgotten some of them; I haven't forgotten what I did when I held them; most of the ones I've forgotten I only ever saw on memos telling me I'd been appointed to such and such a job, because no-one ever bothered to use those job titles much at all. Sometime job titles changed with the tiniest change in responsabilities, which meant that job title changes came thick and fast in a fast-moving environment.
