• funooni (8/8/2014)

    Dears ,

    I have to delete data from HUGETABLE which has around 700 million rows prior to 1st May 2014. This table has no Index, however, it has an ID column.

    Now in order to avoid the log growth, I wrote the below code. Assuming that it will delete 1 million rows and at any time I cancel it; it will rollback only the last transaction. But on the other hand when I cancel it; it starts rolling back all the rows back into the table.

    Any idea, how can I achieve it without running out of LOG File Space ?

    Next thing I have in my mind is to schedule a job to delete around a milllion rows every 10 minutes and truncate the log at the end of the job.

    Appreciate experts feedback.

    begin try drop table #counter end try begin catch end catch

    create table #counter (id int )

    insert into #counter SELECT top 1 ID From HUGETABLE with (nolock) where DateTime < '2014-05-01'

    while (select COUNT (1) from #counter) > 0


    begin transaction deletemol

    truncate table #counter

    insert into #counter SELECT top 10000000 ID From HUGETABLE with (nolock) where DateTime < '2014-05-01'

    if exists (select top 1 1 from #counter )


    delete from HUGETABLE where ID in (select ID from #counter)


    truncate table #counter

    insert into #counter

    select top 1 ID From HUGETABLE with (nolock) where AuditDateTime < '2014-05-01'

    select GETDATE ()

    commit transaction deletemol



    Looks like you need to delete 700 million rows of data, how many rows of data are you keeping?