• Jeff Moden (7/31/2014)

    murnilim9 (7/31/2014)

    SQL Guy 1 (7/31/2014)

    What is data type, length, and number of columns?

    How intensively it is used - from sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats ?

    Thanks for your kind response . Appreciate it!

    Here is the data for 2 different databases ( the indexes get fragmented in only a few hours after rebuild ):

    on Database DB1

    Index IX_P (Non clustered index)

    Index key column :

    P1(datetime) , size : 8 , Identity : No

    included column :

    ReaderId (Int)

    fragmentation : 92.31%

    pages : 806

    fill factor 65%

    Usage stat :


    0 702 0 2826040


    on Database DB2

    Index IX_A

    Profile :

    Index Key columns :

    A1 (int)

    A2 (TinyInt)

    A3 (Bigint)

    Fragmentation :81.44 %

    Pagecount : 62593

    Fill Factor : 70 %

    Usage stat :


    49476 0 0 0

    0 0 65176 4753949

    8247327 0 2551491 2873118

    0 1 0 2


    Index B (nonclustered)

    Profile :

    Index Key columns:

    B1 (Bigint)

    Included column :

    X1 (tinyint)

    X2 (varbinary(max)

    X3 (bit)

    X4 (int)

    X5 (tinyint)

    X6 (datetime)

    X7 (bigint)

    X8 (uniqueidentifier)

    Fragmentation : 97.24%

    Pagecount : 63379

    Fill Factor : 70%

    Usage stat :


    0 0 0 2873118

    2 weeks ago :


    0 4 0 15808493

    7580190 0 11550284


    Index IX_C (nonclustered)

    Profile :

    Index key columns :


    Fragmentation : 79.43%

    Pagecount : 2163

    Fillfactor : 70%

    Usage stat:


    225313662780 563608

    1 0 0 0

    2845411199900 10

    What do you think about it ?

    Many thanks 🙂

    Are any of these causing performance issues?

    Also, except for unique indexes (which may be part of constraints), I'd be tempted to simply drop any index that had a large number of User_Updates and very few or zero index seeks. User_Scans (a bit faster than heap or CI scans) can be useful indexes but, with 2,826,040, 0 seeks, and only 702 scans, Index IX_P (Non clustered index) looks pretty useless to me and probably drop that one as well, unless it's a unique index.

    ohh thanks

    All of them cause trouble

    I have removed that index hohohohoh

    but what i need to do with the rest ?

    But I