• Steve Jones - SSC Editor (7/28/2014)

    GoofyGuy (7/28/2014)

    Steve Jones wrote:

    Bad design, bad decisions, mistakes, even poor security practices will occur. However it's usually not your company, and it's not your place to prove that there is a flaw in a system. It's especially true that it's not your place to prove things without having been given permission to do so. Proving a point on your own is something children do, not professionals.

    I'm not sure I agree with this. So long as one 'proves a point' in a diplomatic and legitimate manner, and the motive is positive, does this not show initiative on one's part?

    you're a little out of context.

    You do so in a legitimate manner by getting permission, which I would guess involves some diplomacy and basic polite social behavior. You ask.

    I'd say it really depends on the situation; in most cases, it may be better to ask permission rather than to seek forgiveness; in rare cases, perhaps not so. Certainly one should carefully consider one's decision.