• I am really intersted on this article

    but how can find those IDs in my enviroment

    strOlStoreID = "18DE200A0C99D6DC800AA002FC45A06000000504B435654303100D"

    strOlEntryID = "5B7D1118DE200A0C99D6DCCCBA91795B7D11145A06000000504B435654300000"


    First, yes you're right, that column should be not null (I just auto-generated a template of QA, and changed col names, without really looking at it).

    If you navigate to the particular folder you're interested in, storeid and entryid are properties, accessible that way. Our resident outlook guru gave me the following code to get them (just cut and paste into notepad and save as vbs file, then run):

    Dim objOutlook

    Dim NmSpace

    Dim myfld

    Dim objFilesys

    Dim objtxtfile

    Dim txtIDS

    Set objOutlook = WScript.CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

    Set NmSpace = objOutlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI")

    Set myfld = NmSpace.PickFolder

    Set objFilesys = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set objtxtfile = objFilesys.CreateTextFile("C:\IDinfo.txt")

    txtIDS = "The Store ID: " & myfld.StoreID & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "The Entry ID: " & myfld.EntryID

    WScript.Echo txtIDS

    objtxtfile.WriteLine txtIDS
