• marcia.j.wilson (6/29/2014)

    Jeff Oresik (6/28/2014)

    I wouldn't take "my" data to mean at the exclusion of others. It is a declaration of ownership, but usually in the context of taking responsibility for the data. That is a good trait for a developer to have and is much better than saying, "It's not my fault." or "That's not my job." Sometimes you have to take the good with the bad.

    I agree. That's generally how I've used the term owned and generally how I've heard it used.

    However, there are certainly those who 'own' data or an application and don't want anyone else touching it even when there are legitimate reasons.

    And I have to admit that I have sometimes had to fight that tendancy in myself.

    We internally have been having a lot of discourse around this concept of ownership. I think Phil's usage of custodianship rather than ownership makes sense from a dev or DBA point of view: we're responsible for making sure that the data is accurate and available. However our sphere of influence stops before it comes to deciding how long we hold onto that data, which is where the "true" owner needs to step in (the business stakeholders).

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?