• well the whole logic is this

    Change the calculation of the Notional Amount for Future securities for all funds

    a) If INV_SECTYPE_COD equal to ’70’, ‘71’, ‘72’, ‘73’, ‘74’, or ‘75’

    i. NotionalAmount with (NO_CONTRACTS / MULTIPLIER)

    b) If Fund Complex = “Russell” and INV_SECTYPE_COD equal to ’70’, ‘71’, ‘72’, ‘73’, ‘74’

    ii. NotionalAmount with [(SHARS/MULTIPLIER) * (MKT_PRC_BASE) *


    c) If Fund Complex = “Russell” and INV_SECTYPE_COD equal to ’75’

    iii. NotionalAmount from with [(SHARS/MULTIPLIER) * (MKT_PRC_BASE) *


    and im not sure the best way to do it. i was trying drvied columns but couldnt get the forumal to work kept going red so wasnt sure if i was doing it right or if it would let me.

    i was going to use a replace and do the code then aws this will more than likely update after the orginal vales are in table id say. might be better to use a query