• Jeff Moden (5/26/2014)

    danaanderson (5/25/2014)

    Jeff Moden (5/25/2014)

    danaanderson (5/25/2014)

    I don't think that it matters about the position in the parameter of the dbtype spec, but I'll check it out. It is ASP.NET. Classic ASP is quite a different animal. In any case, from what I know this error is indicating that more parameters were sent than the procedure has receptors for...but it is ambiguous. I really wish T-SQL had a function like PARAMETERS() in VFP. I could know for sure.

    Anyone else have any thoughts? It's surprising that there was only one person replying in a time span of about 23 hours.


    Heh... it IS an SQL Server forum with a large number of people that live in the United states and you've asked an ASP question on a holiday weekend. 😉

    Well, it was SQL Server that was throwing the error. I thought it was the best place to start looking...and asking. True, though, it is a holiday weekend and most are probably out firing up the barbie.


    Ah... understood. I noticed that you marked the post of JLS as the answer so I went and looked at the post he provided a link for. It would seem that some form of "read only field" was the problem and you needed to change the parmeter listing of at least 1 of the fields from "bind" to "eval". If that's true, which of your fields was it and was it an "IDENTITY" or "COMPUTED" column or ???

    I'm asking because the code is automatically generated based on the stored procedure parameters and seems like it could be a common problem. Since SQL Server produced the error, I thought I'd ask for more details on what you did for a fix so that folks like me that know little of ASP can lend a helping hand in the future.


    There were several columns that I didn't want the user to edit, a couple of date columns, and couple of Boolean (bit) columns. Things that indicate whether the product is approved, or is active. No IDENTITY or COMPUTED columns were involved. I changed the template values to eval() and that did the trick. I actually changed the table structure since I made that web page, but the new columns were not the ones causing the issue. Like the poster of that solution, I find it odd that you have a parameter list, but ASP.NET still decides on what are truly parameters by looking at the bind() or eval() methods used in the template. Someone dropped the ball there, eh?

    The site will be selling digital content for 3D art software such as DAZ|Studio or Poser. I'm a one-man operation, so all this stuff falls on me. I've gone from developing with VFP to having to know VB.NET, sometimes a little C#.NET, SQL Server (which was a little more natural to migrate to for me), a little AJAX, etc. It's amazing how many things we need to know in the field of web development! And they keep changing...I can't keep up, and sometimes I don't want to. I don't hop on every bandwagon just because they say it's the latest and greatest. 😉

    Thanks again for all the help and just being there for those who need help!
