• Breakthrough ideas, when responding to complex business issues, cannot and should not be confined to "best practices" and not even to "good practices". Those belong to simple and complicated business issues respectively, and I am sure that in those cases all do follow them.

    When dealing with complex business issues, where innovative and creative solutions are required, a solution would require developing "emergent practices". This is one reason for the evolution of new concepts that has led to very impressive approaches that, over time, become "good practices" and even "best practices" for others as a complex issue becomes a complicated or even a simple issue.

    With the advancements in the IT world, new technologies helping to reduce or eliminate existing business limitations, new approaches to business issues are possible and must be conceived and created. To have a regulated approach to creativeness is not possible in a complex and even chaotic world. The way we have successfully accommodated a limitation cannot be enforced once that limitation has been removed.