• david.wright-948385 (5/15/2014)

    Koen Verbeeck (5/15/2014)

    I was stating two view points: on one hand, it is pretty impossible to get complex software - such as SQL Server - completely bug free. On the other hand, vendors have too much power in the sense that they can just shrug it off as "it's just a bug and we'll patch it someday. If you don't like it, just buy something else."

    I agree - there are two viewpoints, but imho mandatory industry standards aren't going to help.

    Perhaps there's a case for an organisation that certifies products or vendors to a given standard (if there isn't one already?). If it is demonstrably independent of vendors, buyers will have confidence that the products they buy are up to that standard. Vendors will be able to justify higher prices as a result of certification, so they benefit. For vendors that can't, or don't wish to meet the standard don't have to, and prices will necessarily be lower. Buyers then have a choice, and buyers with limited funds and flexible standards are free to use them.

    Although it's a very nice idea - a certification organisation - I wonder how practical this can be in reality. Testing software is not easy and can take a lot of time. With regular products it's usually easier. You just take a car for a testdrive and decide if you like it or not 🙂

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