• wendy elizabeth (4/30/2014)

    The following iif statement gets the dollar amount want to display:

    =IIF(Fields!PaymentType.Value="Checking", sum(cdec(Fields!TransactionAmount.Value)),0)

    However I would like to know how to write an iif statement that would include the wording

    "Checking: " with the dollar amont that needs to be displayed.

    I have tried concatentations that I can think of, but when the report runs, I get the #error in the location

    I would like to see the wording "Checking:' with the dollar amount.

    I don't have SSRS open right now, so the exact formula might be a little different, but have you tried something along the lines of:

    ="Checking: " & Format(IIF(Fields!PaymentType.Value="Checking", sum(cdec(Fields!TransactionAmount.Value)),0), "C2")

    From the error your seeing, I would guess that you have to explicitly cast the results of your existing formula to a string in order to get it to work.

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