Need to mingle different select statements into one (Stored procedure)

  • Hello,

    I am creating SSRS report I am trying to call stored procedure but it has 3 select statements how can I do into one because ssrs will take only first dataset.

    I can do with different datasets like 3 select statements I can make 3 datasets but its grouping with system so if it is grouping with some field I think all the columns should come from same dataset.

    here is the stored procedure

    select distinct SystemID, SystemName from vsystemschool

    where schoolyear = @FiscalYear

    SELECT SystemID,ProgramID,

    CASE WHEN ProgramName='M' THEN 'L' ELSE ProgramName END AS 'ProgramName',

    AdjustmentsSequenceNo,sum(Paid) as Paid,sum(Free) as Free,sum(Reduced) as Reduced,sum(paidamount),sum(freeamount),sum(reducedamount),

    sum(paidamount)+sum(freeamount)+sum(reducedamount) as dollars

    from vDE107sForAllSystemsForOneMonth SCH

    where SCH.FiscalYear = @FiscalYear and SCH.ClaimMonth =@ClaimMonth

    and AdjustmentsSequenceNo=0

    GROUP BY systemID,programID,ProgramName,AdjustmentsSequenceNo

    order by AdjustmentsSequenceNo

    SELECT SystemID,ProgramID,

    CASE WHEN ProgramName='M' THEN 'L' ELSE ProgramName END AS 'ProgramName',

    sum(Paid) as Paid,sum(Free) as Free,sum(Reduced) as Reduced,IsNull(sum(paidamount),0),IsNull(sum(freeamount),0),IsNull(sum(reducedamount),0),

    isNull(sum(paidamount)+sum(freeamount)+sum(reducedamount),0) as dollars

    from ForAllSystemsForOneMonth SCH

    where SCH.FiscalYear = @FiscalYear and SCH.ClaimMonth =@ClaimMonth

    and AdjustmentsSequenceNo>0

    GROUP BY systemID,programID,ProgramName

    order by systemID,ProgramID


  • Are you trying to create a single dataset to use in your report? If so, it looks like you can union the results together.


    FROM v_SomeView




    FROM v_SomeOtherView


    and then just pass your params in all the WHERE clauses. (they would use the same parameters but map to the proper fields).

    Or did you mean return 3 distinct result sets?

  • How about using UNION ALL to merge the three results into one?

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