• mcx5000 (4/22/2014)

    with SampleData (PERSON, [DATE], [HOURS], [DOW]) as


    SELECT 1234,'03/31/2014','8.00','Monday'

    UNION ALL SELECT 1234,'04/01/2014','8.00','Tuesday'

    UNION ALL SELECT 1234,'04/02/2014','9.00','Wednesday'

    UNION ALL SELECT 1234,'04/03/2014','8.00','Thursday'

    UNION ALL SELECT 1234,'04/04/2014','9.00','Friday'

    --UNION ALL SELECT 1234,'04/07/2014','10.00','Monday'

    --UNION ALL SELECT 1234,'04/08/2014','8.00','Tuesday'

    --UNION ALL SELECT 1234,'04/09/2014','8.00','Wednesday'

    --UNION ALL SELECT 1234,'04/10/2014','9.00','Thursday'

    --UNION ALL SELECT 1234,'04/11/2014','9.00','Friday'



    row_number() over (partition by person order by person desc) rn


    , convert(datetime,[DATE]) [Date], convert(decimal(8,2),[HOURS]) [Hours], [DOW]

    into #t

    FROM SampleData













    ,sum(b.hours) [RunTotal]

    ,case when a.hours > 8 then 8 else a.hours end [Reg_Hours]

    ,case when a.hours > 8 and sum(b.hours) <= 40 then a.hours - 8 else 0 end [Daily_OT]

    ,case when a.hours > 8 and sum(b.hours) > 40 then a.hours - 8 else 0 end [Weekly_OT]

    from #t a

    join #t b on a.rn >= b.rn and a.person = b.person

    group by a.person, a.date , a.hours

    ) a

    group by a.person

    This may not be the most elegant solution but it works. Especially if you are in a time crunch. Hope it helps. I'll let you figure out the each week issue.

    Adding the week calculation is trivial. Just need to include the weeknumber. I got rid of the temp table as it just causes extra work to drop. 😉

    with SampleData (PERSON, [DATE], [HOURS], [DOW]) as


    SELECT 1234,'03/31/2014','8.00','Monday'

    UNION ALL SELECT 1234,'04/01/2014','8.00','Tuesday'

    UNION ALL SELECT 1234,'04/02/2014','9.00','Wednesday'

    UNION ALL SELECT 1234,'04/03/2014','8.00','Thursday'

    UNION ALL SELECT 1234,'04/04/2014','9.00','Friday'

    UNION ALL SELECT 1234,'04/07/2014','10.00','Monday'

    UNION ALL SELECT 1234,'04/08/2014','8.00','Tuesday'

    UNION ALL SELECT 1234,'04/09/2014','8.00','Wednesday'

    UNION ALL SELECT 1234,'04/10/2014','9.00','Thursday'

    UNION ALL SELECT 1234,'04/11/2014','9.00','Friday'


    , OrderedData as



    row_number() over (partition by person order by person desc) rn


    , convert(datetime,[DATE]) as MyDate, convert(decimal(8,2),[HOURS]) as MyHours, [DOW]

    FROM SampleData




    ,min(MyDate) as BeginningOfWeek










    ,sum(b.MyHours) [RunTotal]

    ,case when a.MyHours > 8 then 8 else a.MyHours end [Reg_Hours]

    ,case when a.MyHours > 8 and sum(b.MyHours) <= 40 then a.MyHours - 8 else 0 end [Daily_OT]

    ,case when a.MyHours > 8 and sum(b.MyHours) > 40 then a.MyHours - 8 else 0 end [Weekly_OT]

    from OrderedData a

    join OrderedData b on a.rn >= b.rn and a.person = b.person and DATEPART(week, a.MyDate) = DATEPART(week, b.MyDate)

    group by a.person, a.MyDate , a.MyHours

    ) a

    group by a.person

    , DATEPART(week, MyDate)

    order by a.PERSON, DATEPART(week, MyDate)

    I am not thrilled with the triangular join going on here. http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/61539/[/url]

    If I have some time later today I will hop back here and create a more solution that will perform better than the triangular join.


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    Read the article at http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/ for best practices on asking questions.

    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/72993/.

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/63681/
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Crosstab/65048/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69953/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69954/