Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Convert the stored procedure to "Standard SQL Select" RE: Convert the stored procedure to "Standard SQL Select"

  • halifaxdal (4/14/2014)

    As WITH is not allowed in this case, I did some replacement:

    FYStart = DateAdd(mm,-2,DateAdd(yy,DateDiff(yy,0,DateAdd(mm,2,Getdate())),0))

    FYPrevStart = DateAdd(yy,-1,FYStart)

    FYPrevStart = DateAdd(yy,-1,DateAdd(mm,-2,DateAdd(yy,DateDiff(yy,0,DateAdd(mm,2,Getdate())),0)))

    FYNextStart = DateAdd(yy,1,FYStart)

    FYNextStart = DateAdd(yy,1,DateAdd(mm,-2,DateAdd(yy,DateDiff(yy,0,DateAdd(mm,2,Getdate())),0)))

    The final working code is:


    ,A = Sum(Case When d.DocStatus = 'Retired' and d.RetiredDate >= DateAdd(yy,-1,DateAdd(mm,-2,DateAdd(yy,DateDiff(yy,0,DateAdd(mm,2,Getdate())),0))) and d.RetiredDate < DateAdd(mm,-2,DateAdd(yy,DateDiff(yy,0,DateAdd(mm,2,Getdate())),0)) Then 1 Else 0 End)

    ,B = Sum(Case When d.DocStatus = 'Active' Then 1 Else 0 End)

    ,C = Sum(Case When d.DocStatus = 'Active' and d.TargetClosureDate >= DateAdd(mm,-2,DateAdd(yy,DateDiff(yy,0,DateAdd(mm,2,Getdate())),0)) and d.TargetClosureDate < DateAdd(yy,1,DateAdd(mm,-2,DateAdd(yy,DateDiff(yy,0,DateAdd(mm,2,Getdate())),0))) Then 1 Else 0 End)

    ,D = Sum(Case When d.DocStatus = 'Active' and d.TargetClosureDate >= DateAdd(yy,1,DateAdd(mm,-2,DateAdd(yy,DateDiff(yy,0,DateAdd(mm,2,Getdate())),0))) Then 1 Else 0 End)

    ,Critical = Sum(Case When d.DocStatus = 'Active' and d.RiskRating = 4 Then 1 Else 0 End)

    ,High = Sum(Case When d.DocStatus = 'Active' and d.RiskRating = 3 Then 1 Else 0 End)

    ,Medium = Sum(Case When d.DocStatus = 'Active' and d.RiskRating = 2 Then 1 Else 0 End)

    ,Low = Sum(Case When d.DocStatus = 'Active' and d.RiskRating = 1 Then 1 Else 0 End)

    ,TBD = Sum(Case When d.DocStatus = 'Active' and d.RiskRating = 0 Then 1 Else 0 End)

    FROM dbo.Document d

    WHERE DocType = 1

    AND DocStatus IN ('Active','Retired')

    GROUP BY ITSDivisionID

    It makes the whole query [highlight=#ffff11]much more difficult to read and maintain[/highlight], but good thing is it will accepted by the rule to manually create a Virtual Table in Dundas Dashboard.

    I have not figured out how to do the math.

    Here is the code rewritten without the CTE, curious to see if the derived tables will work in Dundas.



    ,A = Sum(Case When d.DocStatus = 'Retired' and d.RetiredDate >= fy.FYPrevStart and d.RetiredDate < fy.FYStart Then 1 Else 0 End)

    ,B = Sum(Case When d.DocStatus = 'Active' Then 1 Else 0 End)

    ,C = Sum(Case When d.DocStatus = 'Active' and d.TargetClosureDate >= fy.FYStart and d.TargetClosureDate < fy.FYNextStart Then 1 Else 0 End)

    ,D = Sum(Case When d.DocStatus = 'Active' and d.TargetClosureDate >= fy.FYNextStart Then 1 Else 0 End)

    ,Critical = Sum(Case When d.DocStatus = 'Active' and d.RiskRating = 4 Then 1 Else 0 End)

    ,High = Sum(Case When d.DocStatus = 'Active' and d.RiskRating = 3 Then 1 Else 0 End)

    ,Medium = Sum(Case When d.DocStatus = 'Active' and d.RiskRating = 2 Then 1 Else 0 End)

    ,Low = Sum(Case When d.DocStatus = 'Active' and d.RiskRating = 1 Then 1 Else 0 End)

    ,TBD = Sum(Case When d.DocStatus = 'Active' and d.RiskRating = 0 Then 1 Else 0 End)


    dbo.Document d



    ,FYNextStart = DateAdd(yy,1,FYStart)

    ,FYPrevStart = DateAdd(yy,-1,FYStart)


    (SELECT FYStart = DateAdd(mm,-2,DateAdd(yy,DateDiff(yy,0,DateAdd(mm,2,Getdate())),0)))dt1

    ) fy


    DocType = 1

    AND DocStatus IN ('Active','Retired')

