Home Forums RE: Script to get the list of users and permissions in a database

  • there are two ways around this I can see - a simple workaround would be run the query so the output is in text mode, does that suit?? Also your SQL has an error in that it does not change database context in the loop, a use database statement needs to be part of the overall query, so that gives the following -

    -- List out all users and user roles of all databases in a SQL Server instance

    set nocount on

    set quoted_identifier off

    Declare @name varchar(100)

    Declare @sqlstatement nvarchar(4000)

    --move declare cursor into sql to be executed

    Declare users_cursor CURSOR FOR Select name from sys.databases where database_id > 4

    OPEN users_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM users_cursor

    INTO @name



    print 'Database ' + @name

    set @sqlstatement = N'use [' + @name +']'+char(13)+N'select

    convert(char(30),dp2.name) UserName,convert(char(20),dp2.type_desc) UserType, convert(char(20),dp.name) Role

    FROM sys.database_principals dp

    INNER JOIN sys.database_role_members drm ON dp.principal_id = drm.role_principal_id

    INNER JOIN sys.database_principals dp2 ON drm.member_principal_id = dp2.principal_id

    WHERE dp2.principal_id > 4 AND dp2.type <>'+'''R'''

    exec sp_executesql @sqlstatement

    FETCH NEXT FROM users_cursor --have to fetch again within loop

    INTO @name


    CLOSE users_cursor

    DEALLOCATE users_cursor

    An alternative is to use coalesce (built on the back of some SQL I cribbed from somewhere) This can have issues with collations. -

    --===== Declare a variable to hold the command we're going to build


    declare @name NVARCHAR(200)

    --===== Build the command to interrogate every database as if we were using a cursor.

    -- If you want to include report servers, we'll need to do those separately

    -- because of collation problems with some of the names. You'd have this same

    -- problem if you used a cursor to insert into one table.

    SELECT @MyCmd = COALESCE(@MyCmd+' UNION ALL'+CHAR(10),'')

    + 'select '''+Name+''' AS DBName,convert(char(30),dp2.name) UserName,convert(char(20),dp2.type_desc) UserType, convert(char(20),dp.name) Role

    FROM '+Name+'.sys.database_principals dp

    INNER JOIN '+Name+'.sys.database_role_members drm ON dp.principal_id = drm.role_principal_id

    INNER JOIN '+Name+'.sys.database_principals dp2 ON drm.member_principal_id = dp2.principal_id

    WHERE dp2.principal_id > 4 AND dp2.type <>'+'''R'''

    FROM Master.Sys.DataBases

    WHERE DataBase_ID > 5

    and name not like 'report%'

    --===== Display, then execute the cursor

    PRINT @MyCmd

    EXEC (@MyCmd)
