• Our department/team recommended various software applications to our users

    so we were considered the "experts".

    On one team assignment, a team member and I installed our recommended

    software on a users computer, all the while, my team-mate berated,

    slammed and practically "s___ on" the application to the user. I was furious

    but held my tongue in front of the users. On our way back to the office,

    I was really Pissed. I let loose on the team mate for throwing our (and my)

    reputation with that user out the door. That user certainly won't come to

    us for recommendations after we gave them a crappy application. I even

    told my boss that the team mate may come to him complaining about the

    berating I gave him. I didnt see the team-mate the rest of the day.

    The next day, he was more nice to me than he had been in a long time

    and nothing else was said about the incident.

    I was able to reassure the users and maintain our reputation as the

    solution provider. Reputation of an IT group whether it be developers or

    IT technicians, is of paramount importance.