• Jeff Moden (3/21/2014)

    Shucks. Thanks for the awesome feedback, Tom. :blush: I really appreciate the thoughts.

    Shifting gears back to the task at hand, thanks again for the link to the IBM site. I read the first 90 pages in detail and scanned through the next 200 or so last night. Absolutely amazing product. I had no idea that DB2 was that good nor how "carefree" the i Series of systems are. For example, you don't actually have to maintain indexes. WOOOHOOO!!!.

    What's really cool is that it's ALL in a single searchable document. I don't have to bounce through a dozen different web pages to do a search for something. MS could learn a bit there.

    Thanks again!

    Carefree is right. Our system i rarely needs any attention. I have always liked IBM's support and documentation. The machine has a reputation of being old and "legacy" but the iron is really good. If IBM had placed a native GUI interface on it, it might have a better image.
