• Manic Star (3/24/2014)

    LSAdvantage (3/21/2014)

    I have chuckled about this several times already today! This is great!

    Manic Star (3/21/2014)

    I accidentally scrambled production data in an effort to scramble DEV data once.

    As if I don't have enough shame from my other post, a loooong time ago when I was green, I bulk copied some data from production to move to dev, then truncated the table on dev. You guessed it....I truncated production instead! Thankfully I had just bulk copied the data so I just bulk copied it back. I truly felt all the blood rush to my feet when that happened.

    Yep, i walked into boss's office right after i realized what happened, and he was actually pretty cool about helping me recover from the error.

    Lesson learned, always double-check your connection and use transactions even for 'routine stupid stuff'.

    I use the connection colour option in SSMS. See 'Use custom color' and set up registered servers using the desired colours. I tend to give red to production, yellow(ish) to UAT etc and green to development instances. It works like traffic lights in that I don't remember checking most of the times when it wasn't an issue but I do notice the colour a lot of times when I need to be sure.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!