• I'll chip in in support of underscores to break words up and all names lowercase. Reasons are simply I have seen a db that was PascalCase moved to a system that changed all names to lowercase so names that were just about readable when in mixed case became totally unintelligible.

    I therefore got used to and still prefer "first_name" rather than "FirstName" - either is OK - but I still hate mixing the two so "First_Name" would be a NoNo (should that be no_no 🙂

    table names meaningful (definitely no "tbl" prefix, and preferably plural names (eg accounts, members, people etc)

    Only use identity columns if you actually need a surrogate key - if there is an appropriate real-world key use it. - Eg ISO country codes are 2 characters so why invent a surrogate? Emphasis here is on the word "appropriate"

    But above all be consistent!

    Mike John