• I find it frustrating that, from the software development side, when attempting to engage the DevOps (under whatever moniker) to find out how the development team can deliver in a way they want to receive together with any tools and utilities that they would like (e.g. deployment/configuration/installation validators) that they often fail to respond or push back until the very last minute. Additional frustration rises when they then use their veto to stop a rollout and everyone looks at the development team and considers it their failure. I am not talking days but months of attempted engagement. I see it time and time again. Maybe they are overloaded, however, in my experience this is a vicious cycle which they can break when there is a helpful development team willing to cooperate.

    I have seen the opposite too; development teams throwing their software in an unpackaged form expecting it to be delivered there and then. This, I should imagine, is where their frustration lies.

    This article talks about the common goal and the method of resolution that can be summed up in a single word: cooperate!!!


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!