• schleep (2/27/2014)

    Well if I'm understanding this -- and to be honest, I'm on very thin ice -- I can't check the state of the connection in my original code as suggested by batesview

    conStr="Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=<SQLServer2008>;Initial Catalog=<mydb>;Integrated Security=SSPI"

    Set cmdObj=createobject("adodb.command")

    On Error Resume Next

    ' if cmdObj.State = 1 then

    With cmdObj



    End with

    because I haven't actually opened a connection -- only instantiated a command object.

    Are you suggesting that, from your example, I could check the state of the oConn object (not the command object), since that one is established before the command is executed?

    I'll follow up on that if I see more 3709's.

    Thanks folks.

    Yes exactly. Using my code you would have an explicit connection which would let you check of the connection object. 😉


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