• SwePeso (12/10/2008)

    I have a function where I call "sp_who2" and take database and username as parameters to the function.

    Works great.

    Hi there. I just wanted to mention that while OPENROWSET does indeed work here, and that it is a read-only operation so it should be stable, there is a quicker and simpler solution. If you do the following:

    EXEC master.dbo.sp_helptext N'sp_who2'

    you will see the full query logic of sp_who2. Be warned: it ain't pretty ;-). But, it does provide for seeing how they went about getting that data. So, you could just write a new Stored Procedure, passing in any filter params that you want, that does more than your setup of passing in database name and username to adjust the query.

    That being said, it would probably be even better to just query the new DMVs directly :-). The point being: many of the Microsoft provided "sp_" procs are in plain text so you can get the definition to learn what they are doing.

    Take care,


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