• andrewt 30066 (2/3/2014)


    I'm looking to create a report with a list of shops grouped by company area, the report would look something like.

    Area 1

    Shop1 || Shop 2 || Shop3

    Shop 4 || Shop 5 || Shop 6

    Area 2

    Shop 7 || Shop 8 || Shop 9


    Is this possible to do in SSRS?

    I have done something similar before, it should be possible if you can add some stuff to your query.

    I did mine by creating a CTE for the bulk of the query, in which there was a field (modified for your case) like:

    -- some other columns from your query


    (Row_number() over (order by ShopAreaNum ASC, ShopNum ASC)) / 3.0) AS RowGroup

    --changing the divisor changes the number of columns

    And then later in the final Select from the CTE I do another calc on that column, using that field:



    PARTITION BY YourCTE.RowGroup ORDER BY ShopAreaNum ASC, ShopNum ASC

    ) AS ColumnGroup

    , YourCTE.*

    FROM YourCTE

    ORDER BY RowGroup ASC, ColumnGroup ASC

    In your actual report you would then embed a Matrix, grouping the rows and columns by the RowGroup and ColumnGroup respectively, with your totals in the Details.

    Then if you embed *that* matrix in a rectangle which is itself grouped by the ShopAreaNum, you should have what you need.

    If not, hopefully that will put you down a path towards success.

