• Hi Sean,

    Thanks for your time on this. please execute the below query and please take a look at column(2013-08-12) the value is null.

    I need to join the table data with company on(data.name = company.name) and get the value of daysinlate

    as per my sample data the value is : 15 (consider 15 as 15days)

    on the column(2013-08-12) intead of null i need to dispaly (2013-08-12 + 15 days = 2013-08-27). So the output would be

    2013-08-11 2013-08-12 2013-08-13 2013-08-14 2013-08-15

    1020 2013-08-27 2013-08-28 2013-08-29 2013-08-30

    as like the calculation will go on.

    with data as (

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-01' as datareceived, 1000 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-02' as datareceived, 1001 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-03' as datareceived, 1002 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-04' as datareceived, 1003 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-05' as datareceived, 1005 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-06' as datareceived, 1005 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-07' as datareceived, 1006 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-08' as datareceived, 1007 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-09' as datareceived, 1004 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-10' as datareceived, 1033 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-11' as datareceived, 1020 as recordscount )

    SELECT * from

    ( SELECT name,

    [datareceived] ,recordscount

    FROM data

    where DATEPART(MM, datareceived) = (8) and DATEPART(yy, datareceived) = STR(2013)


    as p PIVOT ( max([recordscount]) FOR [datareceived]

    IN ([2013-08-01],[2013-08-02],[2013-08-03],[2013-08-04],[2013-08-05],[2013-08-06],[2013-08-07],[2013-08-08],[2013-08-09],[2013-08-10],[2013-08-11],[2013-08-12],[2013-08-13],[2013-08-14],[2013-08-15],[2013-08-16],[2013-08-17],[2013-08-18],[2013-08-19],[2013-08-20],[2013-08-21],[2013-08-22],[2013-08-23],[2013-08-24],[2013-08-25],[2013-08-26],[2013-08-27],[2013-08-28],[2013-08-29],[2013-08-30],[2013-08-31])) AS pvt ;

    am i clear you now?