• here's the idea behind Dynamic SQL:

    The user will be passing table name to make changes to it, as they past table name, I'm creating another table in the same structure as the as the one they passed in, leaving out the ID IDENTITY(1,1), I do that with Dynamic SQL.

    SET @SQLStatement = 'CREATE TABLE dbo.Hosea_tempTable (';

    SELECT @SQLStatement = @SQLStatement + ',' + c.name +' '+ CASE

    WHEN st.name LIKE '%CHAR%'

    THEN st.name + '(' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(4),c.max_length) + ')'

    ELSE st.name


    FROM sys.tables t

    JOIN sys.columns c


    INNER JOIN sys.types st

    ON st.system_type_id = c.system_type_id

    WHERE t.name = @TableName

    AND c.is_identity= 0

    ORDER BY column_id;

    the next step is to load all of the data from the table they passed in as a parameter to the new table I created, but leaving out the ID IDENTITY(1,1). That's where I'm getting an error.