• yep, that data structure is really confusing

    Can you give an example of the expected output?

    Or would the insert go into the #storeproducts table?

    try this and let me know if it helps at all, if so you would just have to add your insert statments


    WITH previousweek

    AS ( SELECT StoreProdID

    , sp.ListID

    , ProdID

    , Qty

    , PrevQty

    , GroupID

    , StoreID

    FROM #StoreProducts sp

    JOIN #StoreList sl

    ON sl.ListID = sp.ListID

    ) ,


    AS ( SELECT StoreProdID

    , sp.ListID

    , ProdID

    , Qty

    , PrevQty

    , GroupID

    , StoreID

    FROM #StoreProducts sp

    JOIN #StoreList sl

    ON sl.ListID = sp.ListID)

    SELECT tw.ListID

    , tw.ProdID

    , tw.Qty

    , pw.qty AS PrevQty

    FROM previousweek pw

    JOIN thisweek tw

    ON pw.ProdID = tw.ProdID

    AND pw.StoreID = tw.StoreID

    AND tw.GroupID - 1 = pw.GroupID