• Ah ha, thought how to reduce the problem size down to 12 groups 🙂

    Since the Roles with multiple groups consist of <=12 groups all I need to to do is filter the LDAP data and reduce it those entries that are in the set of groups that are part of multi group roles!...yippeee

    Original problem is

    A role consists of between 1 and x groups from a set of x groups.

    A role can only have a particular group once.

    A user may have more than one role


    Role | Group

    Helpdesk | Password Reset

    Security | Password Reset,

    Security | Enable User

    Reception | Enable User

    Reception | Disable User

    The data I have is of the form

    User | Group

    SmithA | Password Reset

    SmithA | Enable User

    BloggsJ | Password Reset

    MouseM | Enable User

    MouseM | Disable User

    From that I need to deduce the users have the following roles

    User | Role

    SmithA | Security

    BloggsJ | Helpdesk

    MouseM | Reception
