• Hmmm... Yeah, running queries that don't need to run isn't quite ideal. Got it.

    Although I haven't had a need to control, dynamically, whether a dataset needs to be returned, I have an idea that I've just briefly tested, successfully. I presume you are using a multi-valued parameter to allow users to select various modules to display, right?

    Here's what I'm thinking. Change a given dataset's command type from Stored Procedure to Text so that you can explicitly call a sql command to execute a stored procedure based on whether a particular value exists in a multi-value parameter.

    1) To better explain, in my test (using Northwind database) I created a single multi-value parameter called "prmModules". I populated the choices with "Customers" (C) and "Orders" (O).

    2) I then created a dataset, called dsCustomers, and set the Command to Text.

    3) I ran a simple query (Select top 10 CustomerID from Customers) so that SSRS would know what the dataset (i.e., fields) would contain.

    4) I then changed the sql of the dataset to the following conditional situation (see below):

    /* Test if this dataset should be populated based on the multi-value parameter */

    IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 WHERE 'C' IN ( @prmModules ) )


    /* Run a SQL statement or call a stored procedure here */



    FROM northwind.dbo.customers



    /* Don't populate dataset since a key parameter value was not selected */




    As you can see above, the Select statement won't run unless the parameter contains a "C". I believe you could adopt this approach for each of your datasets, and in so doing, end up executing only the relevant stored procedures.

    What do you think?
