• I'd say coding has changed very little - and most SQL coding, much like most C or even C++ coding, also hasn't changed much. Sure, we're maybe using window functions that were standardized in SQL:2003, or XML (often as a delimited-string generation trick) that was standardized in SQL:2006, but by and large, most SQL coding is more or less SQL:92 code - a 22 year old standard.

    "Apps" - they're more or less any other software with a package management system, no different than most flavors of linux have had for much more than a decade. Some, but not all have a payment system integrated - not much different.

    Browser based apps are just software written for a particular platform and set of libraries, whether they're IMSL or Javascript, and whether they're installed or pulled over the network (the internet's just a network) at runtime - with all the usual compatibility issues.

    We've got a few new OS's, mostly built on existing OS's - not a lot different there.

    Many development tools are continuing to trend more towards "here's some glue; call library code with it", which I suppose can be a trend, but that's been very, very gradual in many areas, and has common practice in some areas tracing back to at least FORTRAN 66 and external libraries like the IMSL library which started in about 1970.

    Software repositories aren't much different in the last decade - a mix of locking and merging methodologies.

    Testing, about the same. Perhaps the test driven development's idea that the tests can be the documentation was somewhat new, but actually having comprehensive test suites was common in at least high-cost, high-risk software before then.

    Coding methodologies - the usual mix of waterfall types vs. iterative types, perhaps with more popularity on the iterative types, and with the usual often lackadaisical and inconsistent implementation.

    I would say that we have more monolingual programmers now - programmers, including "senior" programmers, who only know one language, whatever it happens to be. This distresses me.