• Perry Whittle (1/20/2014)

    SQL_Surfer (1/17/2014)

    I need to copy some databases from one server to another. What is the best way to copy logins with their passwords? Each login has access to multiple databases and I want that permissions to be preserved in the new database.

    Are these logins to be moved from a legacy version of SQL Server or between instances that are SQL Server 2005 onwards?

    To get a login and retain its password and SID use the following to script the SQL login out.

    note: this is not necessary with Windows logins as the SID is pulled from the domain controller

    SELECT'CREATE LOGIN [' + name + '] WITH PASSWORD = ' +

    sys.fn_varbintohexstr(password_hash) +

    ' HASHED, SID = ' + sys.fn_varbintohexstr(sid) +

    ', DEFAULT_DATABASE = ' + QUOTENAME(default_database_name) +

    ', DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = ' + default_language_name +



    WHEN is_expiration_checked = 0 THEN 'OFF'

    ELSE 'ON'

    END +

    , CHECK_POLICY = ' +


    WHEN is_policy_checked = 0 THEN 'OFF'

    ELSE 'ON'

    END +

    CASE is_disabled

    WHEN 0 THEN ''

    ELSE '; ALTER LOGIN [' + name + '] DISABLE;'


    FROM master.sys.sql_logins

    Perry, syntax error on line , CHECK_POLICY = ' +

    comma should be a quote.

    this also captures 'sa' login which you would want to omit when transferring to a new server.
