• I believe there are several considerations to be made relative to this issue. First and foremost are you working for yourself or for the company that pays you? If you own the company you can make the decision based on any consideration you choose. If you are working for someone else than the decision should be based on what is best for the company. In my experience, the best decision for the company is the option that is most effective at the least cost. This falls under the heading of fiduciary responsibility and duty to your employer. That being said, future maintenance consideration must be built into the decision as well.

    I once worked on a project in 2007 where the architect and technical lead wanted to develop the application using the latest technology. In this case the technology was in beta and had not been release as a production ready platform. His idea was to load all controls on a web page dynamically at runtime. The application worked one year after the planned release date and is still difficult to maintain by less than expert developers because of the technology used. In my opinion this was a bad decision all around.

    Although I very much appreciate getting into the latest and greatest technology, my responsibility to the company that pays me forces me to consider maintenance and security over anything else.