• Thanks for the reply.

    The reason for the filter, I don't want to return the whole table. If I add a few more records, and only want Snow White and the punks:

    DROP TABLE tempdb.dbo.People;

    CREATE TABLE tempdb.dbo.[People]


    [Number] [nvarchar](50) NULL

    ,[Name] [nvarchar](75) NULL

    ,[ParentNumber] [nvarchar](50) NULL


    INSERT INTO tempdb.dbo.People

    ( Number, Name, ParentNumber )

    VALUES ( '111', 'Snow White', NULL )

    , ( '222', 'Sleepy', '111' )

    , ( '333', 'Dopey', '111' )

    , ( '444', 'Doc', '111' )

    , ( '555', 'Doc Jr', '444' )

    , ( '666', 'Doc Jr Jr', '555' )

    , ( '1111', 'Uncle Scrooge', NULL )

    , ( '2222', 'Huey', '1111' )

    , ( '3333', 'Duey', '1111' )

    , ( '4444', 'Luey', '1111' )


    WITH ctePeople

    AS ( SELECT Number


    ,CAST (NULL AS NVARCHAR(50)) AS ParentNumber

    ,1 AS CustLevel

    FROM tempdb.dbo.People

    WHERE ParentNumber IS NULL AND Number = '111'


    SELECT bic.Number


    ,cte.Number AS ParentNumber

    ,cte.CustLevel + 1

    FROM tempdb.dbo.People bic

    INNER JOIN ctePeople cte ON bic.ParentNumber = cte.Number

    WHERE bic.ParentNumber IS NOT NULL


    SELECT *

    FROM ctePeople cte

    --WHERE Number = '111'

    -- OR ParentNumber = '111'

    ORDER BY CustLevel;

    I think I answered my own question by filtering the top root select in the cte.

    This gives me the Snow White hierarchy and leaves the ducks out.