• The only unusual thing that I like to have is a home made Project/CRM software that I put together just for myself. It holds all my contacts and a list of the projects I am working on at the moment. Can detail documents and notes on projects. It will tell me what meetings are coming up and I can place people into projects. For research purposes I can store hyperlinks to projects. It helps automate putting e-mails in outlook and will put them in alphabetical order in the e-mail means I never miss people out and I'm totally pc in how things are placed in order etc… Because its just for me I continuously alter it to allow for particular things that will help me as a result its very eclectic. For example I m trying to learn Russian at the moment and so I've got a russian dictionary in it however it only has those words that I have learn't - which is not many! - so it’s a totally remedial russian dictionary. Thinking about putting in a form so I can test myself on the words that I place in it. The act of designing the table has been helping me learn the structure of the tenses cases etc. Another eclectic bit of development - I coach at a swim club on Fridays and its better to have a swim set to work to - I've got a simple form that I can write swim sets in and it will format it and print it out in a clean and consistent fashion. Its basically a complete mix of work and personal that I can access pretty much from anywhere. Passing between projects not every place has project management software so this gives me a consistent structure to the projects I'm involved in both at work and at home and being my own design I will add subtract to design according to requirements.

    The idea is to reduce all that time spent "trying to find stuff"

    Being the only user and my own design - I can neither have it taken away and always alter it to fit my requirements at the time.

    It is my one luxury.