• sharonsql2013 (1/9/2014)

    I need to display the following data but I want to for two seperate dates..

    One for the current month and another for last 3 months.


    Category ,




    FROM Products

    WHERE Count1 < 1

    and Status = 'RESOLVED'

    AND (TimeON > = dateadd(mm, datediff(mm,0, GETDATE()), 0) AND Time_Opened <= getdate())

    Now I want the same data above for the same where clause except that the 3rd line in the where clausewill have a different range of dates..

    Time_ON between dateadd(m, -3, dateadd(mm, datediff(mm,0, GETDATE()), 0)) and dateadd(mm, datediff(mm,0, GETDATE()), 0)

    How can i show it , Will I need to write CTE's ? How should I join it?

    You can probably do this a number of different ways. I'd go with two CTEs. In general something like:

    ;WITH CTE_CurrentMonth (Category, SubCategory, IncidentId, TimeOn)



    -- this month query here


    CTE_PastThreeMonths (Category, SubCategory, IncidentId, TimeOn)



    -- three months here


    SELECT COALESCE(cte1.Category, cte2.Category) AS Category,

    COALESCE(cte1.SubCategory, cte2.SubCategory) AS SubCategory,

    -- put rest of fields here

    FROM CTE_CurrentMonth cte1

    CROSS APPLY CTE_PastThreeMonths cte2;

    You'll have to adapt & modify for your specific tables.

