• Traditional Model:

    tEmployees (EmployeeID int,StatusID int)

    tEmployeesStatus (StatusID int,StatusDescription (varchar(20))

    Proposed Model:

    tEmployees (EmployeeID int,StatusDescription varchar(20))

    tEmployeesStatus (StatusDescription varchar(20))

    Create a UDF that validates the data being entered into the StatusDescription field:

    Create FUNCTION [dbo].[fnEmployeeStatusList](@EmployeeStatus varchar(20))

    RETURNS char(1)



    Declare @Exists char(1)

    SELECT @Exists = [StatusDescription ] from tEmployeeStatus Where [StatusDescription ] = @EmployeeStatus

    IF @Exists > '' BEGIN SET @Exists = 'Y' END

    IF ISNULL(@Exists,'') = '' BEGIN SET @Exists = 'N' END

    -- Return the result of the function

    RETURN @Exists


    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tEmployees] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [CK_tEmployees_Status]CHECK (([dbo].[fnEmployeeStatusList]([EmployeeStatus])='Y'))


    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tEmployees CHECK CONSTRAINT [CK_tEmployees_Status]


    I am not sure if I understand this proposed model correctly. In the proposed model, i don't see any importance of even creating the table tEmployeesStatus as StatusDescription is the only column in this table & this StatusDescription has already been written to the table tEmployees.

    Sujeet Singh