Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 Performance Tuning what performance metrics to show before and after optimization/tuning - to show improvement RE: what performance metrics to show before and after optimization/tuning - to show improvement

  • Thank you Jeff.

    Great article on base-lining that you have referred to. http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/baselines/94656/ [/url]

    1) So ideally base-lining would be an ongoing (daily) process with a job setup

    that will write a snapshot of config + performance data to base-line tables?

    2) and how about the query/SP performance data? The one that comes from DMVs. It does not appear too useful to store a snapshot of such info as the one from sys.dm_exec_query_stats or sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats on a daily basis because the metrics returned by this view get reset when Server restarts and SP is recompiled, etc. ? In other words, my main question is is what's the best way (in addition to Profiler Trace data) to also include an ongoing query performance info into the kind of recurring base-line data collection like the one referred to in the above article?

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