• g.brennan (1/3/2014)

    "In the rest of the data world,..."

    I think the data world outside of the physical database is starting to mature, driven by governance which will be driven regulatory oversight. In many companies this is likely to push down through architecture and will put severe pressure on the DBA function - who after all is seen as the the dude who 'knows' what's going on in the databases and is the technology common end point.

    ACID may no longer be enough when you have to prove wider data quality, provenance and ownership to mention a few things. Impenetrable SSIS jobs might be a big problem for trace-ability.

    The evolving issues will include getting dragged into "how did we/how do we" conversations around "hey, how have we ended up with customer data spread across all these databases ?"

    So all those issues about projects/designers/developers doing their own thing 'because it's quicker/easier/cheaper' will start coming home to roost.

    Standards: "Eh, what do you mean we have 30 glossaries, no common definitions, data dictionaries or data models?"

    Ah!!! One of my (many) pet hates...the appplication of no process under the guise of agile!!!


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!