• here's the data you posted, but cleaned up and in a ready to use format:

    the column names in your query did not match the data, and there was no easy way to insert the sample data.

    now that it's in a ready-to-consume format, we can start looking at the question itself.

    CREATE TABLE table1(

    [Pax ID] [int] NULL,

    [Reservation] [int] NULL,

    [Surname] [varchar](40) NULL,

    [First Name] [varchar](40) NULL,

    [Pax Type] [char](1) NULL,

    [Flight Date] [smalldatetime] NULL,

    [Flight Number] [varchar](10) NULL,

    [Board] [varchar](3) NULL,

    [Off] [varchar](3) NULL,

    [Original Booking Date] [smalldatetime] NULL,

    [Last Mod Date] [smalldatetime] NULL


    INSERT INTO table1([Pax ID],[Reservation],[Surname],[First Name],[Flight Date],[Flight Number],[Board],[Off],[Original Booking Date],[Last Mod Date])

    SELECT '1558611','899842','SULIMAN','ALI','2/1/2013','FO151','RIY','SAH','1/1/2013','1/1/2013' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1558612','899842','ALGANADI','HASAN','2/1/2013','FO151','RIY','SAH','1/1/2013','1/1/2013' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1558613','899844','ALYAFEE','MOHMMED','1/1/2013','FO160','SAH','TAI','1/1/2013','1/1/2013' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1558616','899847','ASSIRI','ahmed','2/1/2013','FO873','AHB','ADE','1/1/2013','1/1/2013' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1558617','899847','ASSIRI','ahmed','4/1/2013','FO874','ADE','JED','1/1/2013','1/1/2013' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1558628','899847','asiri','alin','2/1/2013','FO873','AHB','ADE','1/1/2013','1/1/2013' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1558629','899847','asiri','alin','4/1/2013','FO874','ADE','JED','1/1/2013','1/1/2013' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1558618','899848','ALAQWAA','EBRAHEEM','1/1/2013','FO173','HOD','SAH','1/1/2013','1/1/2013' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1558621','899850','ALGELHM','HAMID','3/1/2013','FO196','SAH','AAY','1/1/2013','1/1/2013' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1558622','899851','ASGHAR','AMER','1/1/2013','FO205','ADE','SAH','1/1/2013','1/1/2013' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1558623','899852','ALHALILI','HAMZAH','2/1/2013','FO174','SAH','HOD','1/1/2013','1/1/2013' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1558624','899852','ALJAHDARI','GHALIAH','2/1/2013','FO174','SAH','HOD','1/1/2013','1/1/2013' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1558625','899853','ABDULLAH','ADEL','1/1/2013','FO173','HOD','SAH','1/1/2013','1/1/2013' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1558626','899854','alasmari','mohammed','2/1/2013','FO873','AHB','ADE','1/1/2013','1/1/2013' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1558627','899854','alasmari','mohammed','4/1/2013','FO874','ADE','AHB','1/1/2013','1/1/2013' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1558631','899856','ALI','FAWAZ','3/1/2013','FO196','SAH','AAY','1/1/2013','1/1/2013' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1558631','899856','ALI','FAWAZ','3/1/2013','FO197','AAY','TAI','1/1/2013','1/1/2013' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1558631','899856','ALI','FAWAZ','4/1/2013','FO198','TAI','CAI','1/1/2013','1/1/2013' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1558624','899851','ASSIRI','ahmed','1/4/2013','FO120','TAI','ADE','1/3/2013','1/3/2013' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1558624','899851','ASSIRI','ahmed','4/5/2013','FO121','ADE','TAI','1/3/2013','1/3/2013'

    SELECT [Pax ID],[Reservation],[Surname],

    STUFF((SELECT ',' + [Surname] FROM [TABLE1] WHERE [Reservation] = t.[Reservation] AND [Surname] <> t.[Surname] FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') AS [pax in same res#],

    COUNT(1) OVER (PARTITION BY [Reservation]) AS [# of pax],

    DATEDIFF(dd,[Purchase date],[Flight date]) AS [Diff flight date purchase date],

    STUFF((SELECT DISTINCT ',' + t1.[Off]

    FROM [TABLE1] t1

    JOIN [TABLE1] t2

    ON t1.[Pax ID] = t2.[Pax ID]

    AND t1.[Reservation] = t2.[Reservation]

    AND t1.[Off] = t2.[Board]

    WHERE t1.[Pax ID] = t.[Pax ID]

    AND t1.[Reservation] = t.[Reservation]

    FOR XML PATH('')

    ),1,1,'') AS TransitCity,

    [Flight date],

    STUFF((SELECT ',' + [Flight Number]


    WHERE [Pax ID] = t.[Pax ID]

    AND [Reservation] = t.[Reservation]

    FOR XML PATH('')

    ),1,1,'') AS FLightNo,

    (SELECT TOP 1 [Board]


    WHERE [Pax ID] = t.[Pax ID]

    AND [Reservation] = t.[Reservation]

    ORDER BY [Flight date] ASC) AS DepartCity,

    (SELECT TOP 1 [Off]


    WHERE [Pax ID] = t.[Pax ID]

    AND [Reservation] = t.[Reservation]

    ORDER BY [Flight date] DESC) AS ArrivalCity,

    [Last Mod Date],

    [Purchase Date]

    FROM (SELECT [Pax ID],[Reservation],[Surname],MAX([Flight Date]) AS [Flight date],MAX([Original Booking Date]) AS [Purchase Date],MAX([Last Mod Date] ) AS [Last Mod Date]


    GROUP BY [Pax ID],[Reservation],[Surname]) t


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!