C# ADOMD Connection error - Element return was not found

  • Hi guys

    I am trying to put together a Dashboard using VS2012 in c#. I want to connect to my Cube in order to retrieve the Data to be displayed in Graphs.

    I have the following connection:

    AdomdConnection myconnect = new AdomdConnection(@"provider=msolap.5;initial catalog=Cube;datasource=xx.xx.xx.xx;UID=MyUser;PWD=MyPassword;Timeout=10000;connect timeout=1000");

    When I replace xx.xx.xx.xx (in AWS) by "localhost" I can connect and run MDX Queries otherwise I get the Element error.

    In some forums, some people advise to increase the timeout delay but it doesn't seem to make any difference. The error message comes back straight after calling Open() whatever value I use.

    Any ideas?


  • Add the port number to the IP address. To find the correct port number: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2466860

  • Hi

    Thanks for the info but I have already tried with xx.xx.xx.xx:2383 an go the same result.


  • If you are using the ADOMD.NET DLL installed under C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\ADOMD.NET\120, try referencing the one under the "100" folder instead.

    I was getting the same error and this worked for me.

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