• CREATE procedure [dbo].[Problem_Stored_Procedure] (

    @blank uniqueidentifier,

    @blank int,

    @blank bit = null,

    @blank bit = null,

    @blank datetime = null



    if @blank is null


    set @Now = getdate()


    SELECT COUNT(distinct imr.column1) AS CountMessage

    FROM Table1 imr

    inner join Table2 im on


    im.column1 = imr.column1

    and im.column2 = @blank

    and im.column3 = @blank


    WHERE imr.column2 > CONVERT(DATETIME, @blank , 103)

    and case when @blank is null then im.column4 else @blank end = im.column4

    and case when @blank is null then case when imr.column3 is null then 0 else 1 end else @blank end = case when imr.column3 is null then 0 else 1 end

    Basically the point is to get the number of messages that a user has sent out, that have been read by the recipient. You have the variables left in as hints as well.

    I am also getting this missing index hint

    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [<Name of Missing Index, sysname,>]

    ON imr (column2)

    INCLUDE (column1,column3)

    I tried adding this on production but it actually made the problem worse (this SP started queuing up like crazy in exec_requests) even though it gives a much nicer execution plan and stops the REOURCE_SEMEPHORE wait types happening.